Back to School Night!!!

This year I feel SO much more prepared for Back to School Night at my school. Last year around this time I was still super overwhelmed setting up my new program, learning my kids, trying to train and support my aides, etc. Though I had provided parents with schedules, copies of current goals and some general information about the classroom, we flew through all my planned discussions and introductions pretty fast and the rest of the night was fairly disorganized. Not to worry, we had lots of productive things to talk about like being in HS, planning for the future, getting services through the state, etc. I don't feel that I did enough to really explain what was happening on a daily basis, how that can relate to what is happening at home and how we can work together to have each student succeed in both environments.
So this year I set up a powerpoint that will help keep us focused and on topic AND am planning a little surprise for the parents. My students will be planning & baking a special treat (to be determined during tomorrow's morning group!!) for their parents. I'll be taking photos and showing examples of the visuals we used to prepare the treats as well as showing parents all the skills we were able to target during this lesson!
Take a look below to see what I'm including in my powerpoint! Best of luck everyone, I hope you all have a great Back to School Night this year & set the stage for a great parent-teacher partnership this year!


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